27 March, 2012

Getting Ready

So, I am a little behind on posting for the Ultimate Wedding Link Up... but I am determined to document mine and Kev's wedding festivities!  If no one else enjoys all these wedding posts, I know my mom will.  She worked so hard to make our wedding special, and she went threw the moon! Our wedding was rocken!

Kev and I were adamant about not seeing each other before the ceremony! So, the morning was spent with our wedding party getting ready!

While the boys were out doing that they do best, playing.  The girls were fighting for showers and mirror space!
can you see me showing all my girls my, "something blue"?
It is bad luck for the groom to see the bride.  They never said anything about the Bride seeing the groom!

Half way through getting ready, Kev's best friends came over to bring my a gift that Kev wanted to give to me right before the wedding!
Good thing my makeup wasn't done, because after reading his letter it needed to be touched up!

I sent the boys back over to their cabin to give Kev his gift from me!
 Good thing he doesn't wear makeup, because he would have needed to retouch his!

10 braids maids, 10 groomsmen, 1 bride, 1 groom.  Hurry to the Chapel we are going to get married!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a beautiful wedding and you showing off your something blue had me laughing :)


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