08 March, 2012

Food for Thursday- Delicious Baked Eggs

I want everyone to know that I actually made up this recipe! I did not swipe it from another blog, website or cookbook, i thought of it on my very own!  OK, OK, I am sure there is something similar out there that someone already thought of, but what I am saying is I did not use a recipe, I used my head! 

Here is how it all went down.  I was laying in bed on March 2, 2012 thinking about how to make the best birthday breakfast, ever invented, for Kev-0's birthday.  I had seen on Pinterest these things called, "Two Bite Breakfast" and had planned on making those to start off the celebrating.

Don't they look cute and yummy all in one?

Anyways, I kept thinking about making them and felt really unsettled.  Yes, these are the things that keep me up a night.  Then like a wonderful vision my masterpiece came to me.  Do you remember when Kev and I went to Broder for breakfast and ate those TO.DIE.FOR baked eggs?  Well, I was going to try and make my very own To.DIE.FOR baked eggs.


Cooked Breakfast Sausage- Crumbled
6oz- Frozen Spinach (thawed and drained)
6 Eggs
4 oz feta cheese
4 TBS Whipping Cream (milk would work also)
Cooking Spray

1. Pre-Heat oven to 425 degrees
2. Coat 9" Pie pan with cooking spray
3. Sprinkle spinach and cooked breakfast sausage evenly over bottom of pan.
4. Crack eggs evenly over spinach and sausage mixture.
5. Drizzle whipping cream over cracked eggs
5. Place in over to bake.  Approx- 10 minutes or until eggs whites are almost cooked through
6. Take pan out of oven and turn oven from bake to broil.
7. Sprinkle Feta over eggs and place under broiler for 1 minute (until feta starts to Brown)
8. Eat it.

If you can believe it they test even better than they look!  I over cooked mine a bit, I would have liked my yolks to be a little runnier.  If you try it, let me know what you think. I call it- Delicious Baked Eggs.  Creative, huh?

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So? What did you think?