17 November, 2011

Thankful Thursday

My mom always says "in the grand scheme of life, is this a big deal?"  I always try to answer that question when I am frustrated or upset about something.  In the last 48 hours I have had to ask myself that questions a lot, unfortunately.  I have been one grumpy mess.  I wasn't really looking forward to this post because I knew it would force me to think about all the good instead of staying in the pits of despair, where I want to be.

So here I go, my five thankful things:
1. Thanksgiving Vacation is only 6 days away, watch out Erickson family, here we come!

2. The way God dressed up the sidewalk this morning.
3. The sound of the rain while I sleep.

4. A husband that can put up with my childish tantrums.
5. Tuesday night Jones family Thanksgiving, bug's first Turkey day!

Isn't it strange that when we have so many things to be thankful for we tend to dwell on the things that aren't a big deal in the scheme of life?  Goal of the day, only dwell on the good.

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