30 January, 2012

Thank you!

Yesterday afternoon I received an email from Ashley at Sunshine.Life.Love letting me know she was nominating me for the Liebster Blog award! Of course, this made my day! I was bouncing off the wall excited!  Ask Kev, it is true.  I am so flattered that Ashley thought of me and my little blog.  

A couple weeks ago, Makaila from Distinctly M also nominated me! Seriously girls, this means so much to me!  I always tell myself that I don't care if the only person that reads my blog is my hubs, but in all honesty it is nice to know other people get enjoyment out of it also! 

Thank you Ashley and Makaila for thinking of me and the encouragement you have given me to keep on blogging!

Liebster Blog Award Rules
Liebster in German means dearest, beloved, or favorite, and it is for bloggers with under 200 followers.
The rules are:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3. Copy & paste the blog award on your blog.
4. Reveal your 5 blog picks.
5. Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog.

Now that we know the rules- my top picks are:
1. Pippa w/ More Precious Than Pearls
I enjoy reading Pippa's blog but I also enjoy her as a real like friend!  I love reading about her love for her husband and copying her adorable style!

1. Makaila w/ Distinctly M
Distinctly M ~ Living M's Way
Right back at ya, chica! Thank you for the nomination and I nominate you back!  Makaila is newly engaged and it has been so fun to follow her wedding journey!  Plus check her out on Tippy Tuesday, she's full of good stuff!

3. Ashley w/ Sunshine.Life.Love
Is it bad that I am nominating the two girls that nominated me?  Great minds think alike!  You can feel Ashley's enthusiasm and spark for life through her writing and her stories suck you in!

4. Brittany with Daily Bruski

Brittany is one cool gal!  Being a newlywed myself, I often relate to her thoughts, stories and adventures with her husband.  I imagine she writes the way she talks which makes me feel like she is a good friend!

5. Nicole w/ Cultivating Homestead
My Photo
If you want to learn more about eating healthy,  organic eats, pasteurized vs. unpasteurized this girl has got the answers!  Her passion for all things natural make you think twice about what you put in your mouth!  

Go check out these blogging honeys and make sure to leave them something sweet! 

Thank you again to Ashley and Makaila! You have made my week!!


  1. I'm tired of you exploiting my Son to win interwebz awards! It is unacceptable! I demand 60% of your winnings to help put Christian through college.

  2. AWWW! I'm so glad I was able to help make your week! And thanks for nominating the award back to me hehe :) It really is nice to know that people enjoy reading my blog! Thanks girlie!!!

  3. I don't know how I missed this, but thank you for nominating me!! I look forward to doing a little post about this in the near future :)


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