I love traditions. It may partly be because I am a control freak and having traditions mean I know when, where and how something is going to happen. I like route and do best in a structured environment. I would like to think of myself as a relaxed, go with the flow person, but who am I trying to fool?
Every year when Kev and I receive our work bonus and raises we we have a tradition of heading to dinner at the Macaroni Grill. And by every year I mean the last three years. The first year we chose the Macaroni grill because we had a gift certificate from our wedding, little did we know that this would be the perfect spot.
Macaroni grill covers their tables with paper and gives you crayons. A perfect environment to scribble it all out! We write down dreams, buying a house, going on vacation, buying Kev his Rock Warrior Tundra. Anything we can dream of buying we write it down on our table. Then when we have all that out of our systems we get serious and write our budget. How much a month do we tithe? How much a month is rent? How much a month goes to food? How much a month goes to utilities? Once we write out all the necessities all the rest goes to our dreams! Something about Italian food, cheesy waiters and crayons makes adjusting our budget a blast!
Every year when Kev and I receive our work bonus and raises we we have a tradition of heading to dinner at the Macaroni Grill. And by every year I mean the last three years. The first year we chose the Macaroni grill because we had a gift certificate from our wedding, little did we know that this would be the perfect spot.
Macaroni grill covers their tables with paper and gives you crayons. A perfect environment to scribble it all out! We write down dreams, buying a house, going on vacation, buying Kev his Rock Warrior Tundra. Anything we can dream of buying we write it down on our table. Then when we have all that out of our systems we get serious and write our budget. How much a month do we tithe? How much a month is rent? How much a month goes to food? How much a month goes to utilities? Once we write out all the necessities all the rest goes to our dreams! Something about Italian food, cheesy waiters and crayons makes adjusting our budget a blast!
Oh my goodness I LOVE this idea!! This totally beats any budgeting time I've ever put in! And what do you know-just got my raise and have a giftcard to the Macaroni Grill in my purse, hmm.... ;)