Be prepared, this is a long post! But, there are pictures!
OK, how many times have I written about how much I like to eat? A lot, right? But, I seriously love to eat. I love to cook, try new foods, eat at restaurants, and gorge myself until I am going to pop. I am working on the last one, I know I won't have my 26 year old metabolism forever!
Anyhoo, I still haven't given you a full rundown of mine and Kev's Maui adventure. So, I thought today I would give you a rundown of what we ate in Maui. If no one else enjoys this post, I know my dad will. He probably likes to eat more than I do!
This is in the San Jose Airport right after Kev found out were we were going! I was excited too, even though it doesn't look like it! |
We ate breakfast burritos.... airport food. That is all I am saying. Not the best meal of the trip!
Lunch was never eaten, time change and Alaska not serving meals on their flights messed us up.
It was amazing! So amazing in fact, I forgot to take pictures! We ate freshly caught fish, fresh green salad, and Escargot! I loved it, I am serious! It was my favorite meal of the week! Plus, the sunset that night was gorgeous!
We bought breakfast food when we arrived and had breakfast on our balcony every morning! How do you like that?! |
For lunch I had an amazing grilled maui maui and Kev got a fish sandwich. We both loved it! Plus, great people watching. Oh, and I had the best ice tea of my life there!! Incredible!! |
Lunch was at the Pupu Lounge in Kihei. I was reluctant to go there for two reasons:
- We went into Kihei to eat at my all time favorite restaurant and it was shut down!! Gone, forever. So I had no choice but to eat somewhere else.
- The name of the restaurant is Pupu, not so appetizing.
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See, my beloved Alexander's is gone! My heart was broken! |
Snack time
You can't go to Hawaii without getting a Shave Ice. Yes, it is called
Shave Ice. Kev refuses to call it by its proper name. I got coconut and
pineapple. Tropical flavors for a tropical vacation. |
Kev didn't want to pay for water and sugar, so he got himself a cookies and cream shake. I may have even heard him say this was the best shake he has ever had. Do you think our surroundings may have influenced that? |
If you know Kev, you know that this picture represents all things he loves. Ice cream in hand, shirt off in public, cuisin in warm weather, his girl in the next seat!
Dinner at Longhi's (this was Kev's favorite meal of the week) Poor Kev, I
was so tired this night I felt drunk. I think I was interesting
company for dinner. Oh, and I tried to take pictures. It was way too dark!
I don't know what happened to Sunday, but no pictures were taken.
Breakfast on the balcony
Lunch at hotel swim up bar
Dinner at
5 palms.We knew they had a delicious Sushi Happy hour and the restaurant sits on the ocean, bonus!
Breakfast on the balcony
Lunch at Subway on the way to Lahaina. This lunch almost went into the ocean. Tell you more tomorrow.
This was our last supper. We were in Lahaina and had tons of restaurants with ocean views to choose from! We both ordered maui maui pineapple tacos! Yumm-o!! |
We chose the
Mai Tai Lounge, interesting we chose this restaurant of all places because we don't drink and it was voted "Best Mai Tai in Maui." But, look at the view!
Last by not least we stopped at a mini mart on the way to the airport! I must have my favorite Hawaii snack! Spam Musubi!
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See the delicious treats in the deli case?! |
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See me and all my dirtiness salivating before eating my snack?! |
I am going to admit my little secret, I LOVE SPAM! I even make spam for dinner for Kev and I. Does it make you feel any better that I buy the low sodium spam? No, probably not. But, I Love it anyways and by the way Kev gobbles it up, I think he loves it also! I apologize to our mothers. We do eat healthy most of the time.
When I make Spam Musubi at home, I use the recipe I found on
Hungry Foodies Pharmacy. The only difference is I don't wrap it into a neat little package.
1/2 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
4 tablespoons sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons mirin
1 can Low Sodium Spam, sliced into 8 equal pieces
2 cups white rice, cooked
- To make the marinade, combine the sugar, mirin, and soy sauce in a small bowl. Whisk to dissolve sugar
- Lay the sliced spam pieces in a shallow baking dish and pour marinade over spam. Marinade for about an hour.
- It is frying time. Over a medium heat lay the spam pieces in a non-stick frying pan. Fry each side about 3 minutes, or until the side has turned a darker share of brown. The sugar burns easy, so be careful to to cook to long.
- When the spam is done frying, lay the cooked pieces on top of the cooked white rice and enjoy!
Dinner is served!!
We ate good in Maui!