"Just remember it was an accident, I didn't mean to do it." That was how I started my phone call with Kev this morning...... Where did that curb come from?
Thank you American Tire Company for putting my spare on. I just needed more time before I plunked down the dinero for new tires, yikes!! Who, knew tires cost a small fortune?!!
29 November, 2011
28 November, 2011
It never ceases to amaze me how our God works. When Kev and I first booked our flights to Tahoe we were planning on leaving early on Monday morning so we could make it into work. A few days before we left for Tahoe Kev had an overwhelming feeling of changing our flight from 7:00am Monday morning to 7:00pm Monday night. Not being much of a morning person I was thrilled with the idea of another day to sleep in.
Today is the Monday of our departure day and early this afternoon Kevin's grandmother unexpectedly passed away. What a blessing it is to be here with Kev's family. To hold and hug one another, to pray and hear his dad tell stories of how Kev's Grandfather is probably thrilled to see his bride enter into Heaven. Apparently, Kev's Grandfather didn't like to be away from his Grandmother; I love that! Now they are together, in Heaven, and have met our Lord and Savior.
Today is the Monday of our departure day and early this afternoon Kevin's grandmother unexpectedly passed away. What a blessing it is to be here with Kev's family. To hold and hug one another, to pray and hear his dad tell stories of how Kev's Grandfather is probably thrilled to see his bride enter into Heaven. Apparently, Kev's Grandfather didn't like to be away from his Grandmother; I love that! Now they are together, in Heaven, and have met our Lord and Savior.
Make me know Your ways, O LORD;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
For You I wait all the day.
Psalm 25: 4-5
27 November, 2011
"Just Like Two 5 Year Olds" - Kathy. E
Kev and I are currently in Tahoe spending time with his parents. Kev's sister, Karen, and brother in-law, Rob, are also here with our adorable niece, Lucy. It is funny how life changes for everyone when a baby is brought into a family. This weekend has been filled with cheering when Lucy lifts her head, tip toeing when she finally falls asleep, cooing at the noises and faces she makes, and maintaining a constant bounce while holding her. How nice it is to be a baby, especially when you have two adoring parents like Rob and Karen. As a baby you always have someone to love on you, a large cheer-leading team awaits you with every bowel movement or sound, and your only worry is when your next feeding will be.
When we grow and are several years out of the womb life doesn't seem so easy and carefree. For some reason when we enter into the world of adulthood we inherit worry and stress. However every time Kev and I are in Tahoe with his family, we laugh, play and crack ourselves up more than usual. We play a lot when we're back at home, but when we're with our parents, things are on a whole new level. Kev and I revert into two small children again. We climb on scaffolding when told not to, find ourselves playing in the crawlspace of the house, race down the hallways, and tattle on each other to his mom, Kathy. We are blessed with Kev's two awesome parents who love on us, feed us, play with us, cheer for our accomplishments and make us feel as though everything is taken care of and life is without a stress or worry. Being so well taken care of reverts Kev and I to act just like two little kids. Thanks Bob and Kathy!
When we grow and are several years out of the womb life doesn't seem so easy and carefree. For some reason when we enter into the world of adulthood we inherit worry and stress. However every time Kev and I are in Tahoe with his family, we laugh, play and crack ourselves up more than usual. We play a lot when we're back at home, but when we're with our parents, things are on a whole new level. Kev and I revert into two small children again. We climb on scaffolding when told not to, find ourselves playing in the crawlspace of the house, race down the hallways, and tattle on each other to his mom, Kathy. We are blessed with Kev's two awesome parents who love on us, feed us, play with us, cheer for our accomplishments and make us feel as though everything is taken care of and life is without a stress or worry. Being so well taken care of reverts Kev and I to act just like two little kids. Thanks Bob and Kathy!
(Kev and I watching the Office on a 2-hour car ride- not a care in the world)
25 November, 2011
The warmth of the heat the moment you walk in the door. The smell of baking pies and hot turkey. The chatter of cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents catching up. The little ones chasing each other around. A house so full of family it is hard to walk from room to room. 30 adults, 6 babes, 12 pies, 4 tables and 1 perfect Thanksgiving dinner.

24 November, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving on Thankful Thursday
Every Thanksgiving my mom would make us go around the table and say what we were thankful for. As children we anxiously looked forward to our turn wanting to be the first to be thankful for, "mom" or thankful for, "dad" or for the dog or for our friends or anything else we could lay our eyes on from the table. When we became teenagers this activity at Thanksgiving soon became a type of torture. As teenagers we anxiously dreaded our turn and either protested saying, "this is stupid" or giving a stupid answer just to get our turn over with. As an adult this practice of giving thanks has become a time of reflection and praise. As an adult I anxiously wait to hear the "thanks" of the ones around me to give praise for all the wonderful blessings in our lives. As I am aging and growing more into adulthood I am realizing more and more how much there is to give thanks for. Thanks mom.
My five thankful things on Thanksgiving:
1. The means to come to Sacramento to spent the Holiday will all 30+ members of Kev's family
2. Our next generation who remind us of the excitement of life
3. The health of our families
4. My friendship and marriage I have with the best guy out there
5. My relationship with the Lord that makes life so peaceful and meaningful
Happy Thanksgiving!
My five thankful things on Thanksgiving:
1. The means to come to Sacramento to spent the Holiday will all 30+ members of Kev's family
4. My friendship and marriage I have with the best guy out there
Happy Thanksgiving!
22 November, 2011
Banana Pancakes
Kev grew up in a house hold where a hot breakfast was served almost every morning. Eggs, Bacon, hash browns, waffles, muffins, pancakes, french toast- pretty much anything that resembled a dessert- was prepared each morning to start off their day. Think about the confusion and disgust from Kev's family as they first experienced me gnawing on a chicken wing early in the morning. After that episode I was determined to become a breakfast person. After several breakfast-making attempts I believe I have found the most incredible breakfast treat to have ever been made (thanks to the help of Howsweeteats.com). Let me introduce to you to the most amazing banana pancakes you will ever eat.
Whole Wheat Banana Bread Pancakes
2 C. whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 C. brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 C. cup milk
1 tbs Vanilla Extract
2 large ripe bananas, mashed (almost banana bread ripe)
2 tbs butter, melted
In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients, flour through cinnamon. Mix together milk and vanilla. Whisk vanilla milk mixture into dry ingredients, stirring to combine. The mixture will still be dry. Be careful not to over mix, this will cause the pancakes to be tough. Stir in melted butter and bananas to mixture.
Pour batter on heated skillet making desired pancake shapes and sizes. When batter begins to bubble, Flip and cook for a minute or two more. Serve hot with syrup, or, my favorite, peanut butter.
Being a non breakfast eater, I pat myself on the back for getting the "mmmmm" of approval from the breakfast pro, Kev-o. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!!
21 November, 2011
20 November, 2011
I have gained many great things by marrying Kevin. I have obtained a new and awesome family, a buddy to hang out with everyday, a strong spiritual leader...I could go on all day. But, one of the best things I have gained is Pippa.
Pippa is the wife of Kevin's college roommate, Robbie. And mine and Kevin's first date was the day after Robbie and Pippa's wedding, which was held here in Portland, are you tracking with me? Kevin and Robbie are close friends, Robbie marries Pippa, Kev is asked to be in their wedding, Kev flies to Portland for their wedding, Kev asks me on a date, Kev and I get married and naturally I become friends with Kevin's friend's wife. Did that all make sense?
(Robbie and Pip's wedding- do you see Kev, third groomsmen in)
From mine and Pippa's first meeting we had instant friend crushes on each other. Pippa, being from New Zealand, is cool with out even trying. On top of her cool accent she is beautiful, kind, funny, has great fashion sense and is one of the most caring people I have ever met. She continually amazes me how she remembers EVERYTHING I say and she always has an encouraging word for me. She has every quality in a friend that I hope I can be one day.
I gained a husband, who helped me gain a friend, and I gained an example of a good friend, which has made me be a better wife, which has made me a better friend, am I making sense?
Thanks Pip!
18 November, 2011
Supper Club
In September my Co-Worker, and good friend, Heidi came up with an idea of starting a "Supper Club". Once a month Heidi, our other Co-Worker, Makaila, and myself will get together and take turns hosting dinner at our homes. I loved this idea because it gives us girls a chance to spend time together outside of the office, show off our pads and share healthy recipes.
Heidi Makaila
This month was my month to host Supper Club! I scoured all my fall issues of Cooking Light until I found the perfect Autumn meal! This November issue had the winning recipe! Find the details here!
Quinoa-Stuffed Squash, aren't they cute?! I was so thrilled with the way they turned out.
The coolest thing about this recipe is they are high in protein and each serving has less than 400 calories, booya!
I have to give credit to my kitchen help for assisting me in getting everything put together for Heidi and Makaila's arrival. Kev-o calls me "the tornado" when people come over, he says I am all over the place. So, to help calm the storm, I put him to work moments after he came in the door from work. (Don't worry he has undies on!) =P He was a HUGE help!
Can't wait until next month! It is Heidi's turn to cook up the meal!!
17 November, 2011
Thankful Thursday
My mom always says "in the grand scheme of life, is this a big deal?" I always try to answer that question when I am frustrated or upset about something. In the last 48 hours I have had to ask myself that questions a lot, unfortunately. I have been one grumpy mess. I wasn't really looking forward to this post because I knew it would force me to think about all the good instead of staying in the pits of despair, where I want to be.
So here I go, my five thankful things:
1. Thanksgiving Vacation is only 6 days away, watch out Erickson family, here we come!
2. The way God dressed up the sidewalk this morning.
3. The sound of the rain while I sleep.
4. A husband that can put up with my childish tantrums.
5. Tuesday night Jones family Thanksgiving, bug's first Turkey day!
Isn't it strange that when we have so many things to be thankful for we tend to dwell on the things that aren't a big deal in the scheme of life? Goal of the day, only dwell on the good.
So here I go, my five thankful things:
1. Thanksgiving Vacation is only 6 days away, watch out Erickson family, here we come!
2. The way God dressed up the sidewalk this morning.
4. A husband that can put up with my childish tantrums.
Isn't it strange that when we have so many things to be thankful for we tend to dwell on the things that aren't a big deal in the scheme of life? Goal of the day, only dwell on the good.
16 November, 2011
Pleated Poppy was one of the first blogs I became hooked on, now my "favorites" list could easily be a full time job to read each day. Pleated Poppy's WIWW is something I look forward to each each. I first became addicted because I have absolutely NO fashion sense what so ever, so being able to steal cute ideas from others has helped me trick people into thinking I know what I am doing each morning! I thought I would give WIWW a try and showcase some of the outfits ideas I have stolen and shockingly some of the outfits I thought up all on my own, I know, aren't you proud?
I would like to say thank you to me photographer, Kev, for putting up with all my, "I look weird", "I don't like the way I am sitting", "Why am I standing like that?" "is that how I really look?" To say the least I was a little uncomfortable taking a picture all by my lonesome! But, if it gets me in cutier outfits each day, so be it! Thanks babe!
Sweater- H&M
Grey Under Tank- Target
Skirt- Nordstrom Rack
Tights and Socks- Target
Boots- Nordstrom
I would like to say thank you to me photographer, Kev, for putting up with all my, "I look weird", "I don't like the way I am sitting", "Why am I standing like that?" "is that how I really look?" To say the least I was a little uncomfortable taking a picture all by my lonesome! But, if it gets me in cutier outfits each day, so be it! Thanks babe!
15 November, 2011
No Place Like Home
Autumn trees, Crackerbarrel biscuits, rolling hill, home of Dorothy, flat land, rocking chairs, crisp nights, southern accents.
5 states in 6 days. Enjoying God's beautiful creations, but no place feels as good as home!
14 November, 2011
Traveling Blues
This afternoon we left beautiful Asheville and caught a short flight to Golf City, Southern Pines, NC. It had been 5 days since I have kissed my Kev-o. Less than 24 hours and one more state and I can smack one on him! Miss you babe!
13 November, 2011
Random Day
12 November, 2011
Hello Carolina
Last night we left Dallas and headed east. We flew over the Mississippi river, a-mazing to say the least! We landed in beautiful Asheville, NC. I was greeted by beautiful yellow, orange, and red trees! From what I could see from the plane, North Carolina has beautiful rolling mountains covered by trees and hidden lakes resting in the crevasses of the mountains. It would be an amazing state to explore! Looks like a backpacker's paradise! I am traveling with my Co-Worker, Amber. She is super easy to travel with and she had made this trip bearable while being away from Kev for so long. Last night we arrived at our hotel, and due to the hotel being full we were upgraded to a double king suite, oh darn :)! We then headed to our room, ordered take out and vegged in front of the TV watching, "Say Yes to the Dress" and "Shrek". If I have to be away from my favorite person, this is one way to make it easier! We be staying put in Asheville until Monday. Today we will have time to explore! Excited to see what we will find!
11 November, 2011
Where Will I Be?
Part of my job involves occasional travel. This week I am hitting 3 states in 6 days. Yesterday, I landed in Dallas, TX and stayed less than 24 hours. I didn't get to see any of the city but one thing I never miss is visiting Buggatti's restaurant and gorging myself on delicious Italian food and the most amazing chocolate moose I have ever put in my mouth. Stay tuned to find out which state I will end up in tomorrow!
07 November, 2011
Wild Wasabi- Foodie Scale
I LOVE being a wife, it is probably my all time favorite job. I have
heard it can be a hard job, but so far in my two years as a wife, it is
the most fun job I have ever had. The hardest part of being Kevin's
wife is keeping that man full, his stomach is a cavernous pit! I feel
like I spend the majority of my time at home in the kitchen! Luckily, I
have an amazing husband who rescues me from the cook's room
and whisks me off so someone can cook for me!
Last week we strolled through our neighborhood on a brisk fall night and ended up at our favorite Sushi restaurant, Wild Wasabi. We are so lucky to live in a area that is surrounded by some of Portland's best restaurants. We LOVE Wild Wasabi and I give it a 17 on my foodie Scale, it is seriously that good! (see the bottom of the post for the scale description)
We ate every last spec! We order two rolls and a bento box- we
get out of there stuffed and spending under $30. We love this place.
So yummy!
Cleanliness: 4
Taste: 5
Service: 4
Atmosphere: (+) Wild Wasabi has a modern and casual feel. They always have a game on over the sushi bar to keep the guys happy.
Cleanliness: On a scale of 1-5. 1 being the dump and 5 being comfortable to eat off the floor.
Taste: On a scale from 1 to 5. 1 being a turd and 5 being the best meal ever made in history.
Service: On a scale from 1 to 5. 1 self services and 5 being your mom when your sick.
Presentation:On a scale from 1 to 5. 1 being a cafeteria tray and 5 being Noma in Denmark.
Atmosphere: (+) or (-). I can’t really give a number rating to atmosphere as it differs from ambiance to milieu. So I will just describe it as I liked it or didn’t like it!
Last week we strolled through our neighborhood on a brisk fall night and ended up at our favorite Sushi restaurant, Wild Wasabi. We are so lucky to live in a area that is surrounded by some of Portland's best restaurants. We LOVE Wild Wasabi and I give it a 17 on my foodie Scale, it is seriously that good! (see the bottom of the post for the scale description)
Cleanliness: 4
Taste: 5
Service: 4
Atmosphere: (+) Wild Wasabi has a modern and casual feel. They always have a game on over the sushi bar to keep the guys happy.
Total score: 17 (+) I give
it a big, YUM-O!!
Cleanliness: On a scale of 1-5. 1 being the dump and 5 being comfortable to eat off the floor.
Taste: On a scale from 1 to 5. 1 being a turd and 5 being the best meal ever made in history.
Service: On a scale from 1 to 5. 1 self services and 5 being your mom when your sick.
Presentation:On a scale from 1 to 5. 1 being a cafeteria tray and 5 being Noma in Denmark.
Atmosphere: (+) or (-). I can’t really give a number rating to atmosphere as it differs from ambiance to milieu. So I will just describe it as I liked it or didn’t like it!
06 November, 2011
Since Kev and I had been married we had never spent a Halloween night
at home. Since Halloween fell on a Monday night this year we decided to
stay home and throw a little party. We needed to find out if our
neighborhood had many Trick or Treaters. We wanted to keep our shindig
small, so we invited my siblings over for dinner: brother Dan,
Sister-in-law Sarah, nephew Christian, Sister Lindsey and her friend
Jen. This being my very first Halloween party everything had to be
We started our goolish night with chilling appetizers!
After gorging ourselves with creepy looking food and playing games we had a bloody good time!! My little Bug was pooped from all the excitement! First Halloween party, success!!

(Sarah- Blonde, Sister Lindsey- red sweatshirt, Brother Dan- Red jacket, Jen- black sweatshirt, Christian- zonked out babe, Me- in gray stripes, Kev- super excited guy)
Oh, P.S.- next year, we need to buy more candy for the Trick or Treaters and I mean a LOT more candy, we ran out super early, sorry kiddos!! Come again next year!
Caution: images below can appear to be spooky, wahahahaha!!
We started our goolish night with chilling appetizers!
After eating our way through a grave yard it was time for the main course in the tombs!
(All my hungry guests were VERY patient as I wrapped the meatloaf in noodles!!)
Mummy Meat Loft and Blood Clot Potatoes. The sauce on this loaf is sooooooo good!!
And for the final course we headed to the Morgue for Brain Cupcakes
(Seriously the best cupcakes ever, and I am not a huge sweets person)
After gorging ourselves with creepy looking food and playing games we had a bloody good time!! My little Bug was pooped from all the excitement! First Halloween party, success!!
(Sarah- Blonde, Sister Lindsey- red sweatshirt, Brother Dan- Red jacket, Jen- black sweatshirt, Christian- zonked out babe, Me- in gray stripes, Kev- super excited guy)
Oh, P.S.- next year, we need to buy more candy for the Trick or Treaters and I mean a LOT more candy, we ran out super early, sorry kiddos!! Come again next year!
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